Category Archives: Client Photos

Real Denver Boudoir Client Images

This is one of my favorite little nooks in my home studio.  Just in front of the south-facing window and the exposed brick wall of my 1896 Highlands condo.  The morning light is always what I need it to be, and the brick adds the perfect amount of urban texture to my wonderful clients’ images….

Who are all these boudoir babes, anyway?!

Today I want to debunk one of the more popular myths that floats around the boudoir world. “Your clients are all stunning!  They must be models, right?!” Yes, that first part is true.  My clients are the shit!  Beautiful, both inside and out (yes, that’s cheesy but it’s the truth). The second part isn’t technically…

Real Denver Boudoir Client Photos

“I’m not a model, I couldn’t possibly pull off a boudoir shoot.” This is one of the more popular questions I get when speaking with potential clients.  I totally get it — boudoir can be intimidating and we are often our own worst enemies — but I’m here to help you get out of your…

Sexy Boudoir Photography in Denver

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted a snapshot of a client session, so here we are today! I know that you have so many options for sexy boudoir photography in Denver, so I’m thrilled that you’re here on my blog! If you’re new to my business, I’m a Denver boudoir photographer who specializes…

Best Denver Boudoir Photographer

Wow, y’all.  What a year it’s been and it’s not even over! I cannot thank you — my clients and friendly supporters — for the incredible photography season in 2021!  It’s still early to give official numbers, but I have essentially doubled my client load from recent years.  It’s simply mind-blowing to me, and I…